Double Decker Bamboo Bird Feeder

Handcrafted in Philippines   |   74545
In Stock


Using a single large piece of bamboo, artisans carve this unique and eco-friendly bird feeder entirely by hand, then finish it with a light stain and jute hanger. Dimensions: 14"h x 8"w x 5"d

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Handcrafters in the Philippines

About the Artisan

Your purchase enables marginalized Filipino artisans from the poorest urban and rural communities to become self-reliant through skilled handcrafting by selling their handcrafted products in local and global fair trade markets.

Since 1976, SERRV International has partnered with handcrafters in the Philippines, providing a long-term trading partnership and interest-free advance payment for our orders. Through sales of their products, artisans who rely on handcrafting as their... Read more...


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Ideal Gift to Thank a Filipina
Mar 15, 2023  |  By Anthony Maddela
This authentic feeder went to my god daughter. Do you have a Filipina nurse you appreciate?