Metal Pinecone Chime

Handcrafted in India   |   33600
In Stock


Perfect any time of year, this compact and durable partially recycled metal artisan wind chime features a tiered style that produces bold and beautiful tones when moved. Antique brass finish and attached jute hanging loop. 6"h x 5"dia

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Artisans in Moradabad

About the Artisan

Your purchase helps artisans in Moradabad, India "graduate" and create independent businesses, breaking the cycle of poverty and preserving Indian culture and livelihood.

Since 2011, SERRV International has partnered with artisans in Moradabad, providing a long-term trading partnership and interest-free advance payment for our orders. Through sales of their products, over 500 individual artisans from 49 different groups receive fair wages, business skills, and resources to... Read more...


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Oct 5, 2023  |  By carole murphy
Like it's pinecone looks and heavier chime sound.