Enchanted Insect Ornaments - Set of 5

Handcrafted in India   |   33554
Out of Stock


Artisans in India use iron with brass-colored finish to craft these handmade Christmas ornaments, each featuring cutout celestial motifs. Attached hanging loops. Set of 5 includes butterfly, moth, beetle, snail, and dragonfly. Largest: 3"h

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Artisans in Delhi

About the Artisan

Your purchase creates employment for disadvantaged artisans in Delhi, and advocates for literacy, fair wages, and protection of children.

Since 1976, SERRV International has partnered with artisans in Delhi, providing a long-term trading partnership and interest-free advance payment for our orders. Through sales of their products, artisans receive fair wages, shared profits, savings plans, interest-free loans, health programs, technical courses for women to upgrade their... Read more...


Write a review
Nov 27, 2023  |  By Kathleen Polly
Yes, these are great insects! Can be used as holiday decorations or year round fun.