Customer Testimonials

Read some quotes from our customers!

I wanted to let you know how pleased I am with the items I ordered. Shipping was lightning fast. I received my order the next day! The items I ordered will make wonderful Christmas gifts! They are better than pictured in the catalog. A pleasure to shop with you. Thanks so much. Merry Christmas a little early!
Dover, Ohio

My ENTIRE Christmas list was ordered from your catalog. It was so wonderful to give these beautiful handmade items to those I love, while sending some love back. The only thing I am missing is your patchwork throw and am hoping and wishing it may come back in stock before the holidays... put me first on your waiting list.
Tyler, TX

It is so exciting and rewarding to know that when you buy and when you donate you are helping others to help themselves -- that you are helping to educate children, to send them to schools, to feed them and their parents, to make a real difference every day in their lives, just by your purchase and your donation. That's great -- to buy a gift for a friend, and in the process be buying more opportunities for the artisans. You can't beat that bargain!
Richmond, VA

I just wanted to let you know that I received my first order from you today and I was very pleased with everything in it. It all exceeded my expectations. It is all so nice and of unique and exceptional quality to say nothing about the fact that it supports such a good cause! I am sure that I will be placing another order soon. Thank you.
Leroy, NY

I felt delighted with every craft in my box. Everything arrived in perfect condition; very well packaged and packed. Most of the things I bought are gifts for others, but I did buy a necklace for myself which I couldn't resist wearing immediately because I liked how it looked so much.
Thanks to everyone at SERRV!
Augusta, ME

My order arrived so fast. Customer service was so kind and helpful. I was very impressed with the entire process - great job!
Mansfield, MA

Every gift I have given through your web site I have been sure to include an explanation from where I purchased it and encouraged individuals to search the site themselves. That was before I experienced your terrific customer service. I'll be sure to keep up the encouragement. Thank you for making my day, my year!
Norwich, CT

What lovely things! I am so impressed. I will definitely recommend SERRV to friends and family (in part by way of all the Christmas presents purchased via SERRV that I am giving to others).
Anchorage, AK

I could not be more pleased with everything I ordered! Wonderful quality, great organization, fabulous feeling. Thank you so very much.
Oakland, CA

I just wanted to thank you for your quick shipping during the holiday season. I ended up ordering 3 pairs of gloves and I was very happy with them! Thank you for the great service and for the work you are doing to help people around the world!
Omaha, NE

Your catalog is great - and the work is of excellent quality. I am a friend forever.
New York, NY

Great help on the telephone. A real person answered the phone, answered my questions and was very helpful. Lovely people to work with!
Naperville, IL

SERRV gets you your order in a blink of the eye! When you need products fast, I highly recommend calling SERRV. You will be thrilled at how fast your shipment arrives at your door.
South Bethany Beach, DE

Do you have your own quote to share? If so, please contact us at or 1.888.243.4423.