
Key Stats

Capital: Bogota

Population: 47 million

Average life expectancy: 76 years

Literacy rate: 94%

Population living below poverty line: 28%

Population without electricity: 1.2 million

Population without access to safe drinking water: 4 million

Most widely spoken language: Spanish

Source: The World Factbook

About Colombia

The most populous Spanish-speaking country in South America, Colombia features geography ranging from coastal lowlands to the great Andean mountain range, its population largely concentrated around the capital city of Bogota, which sits in the country’s mountainous interior. Colombia’s citizens are primarily mestizo, with minority populations of African, European, and Indian ancestry. Agriculture remains the major component of the economy, though large parts of the land remain uncultivated due to poor soil and climate conditions. Though the country has faced periods of political unrest and disruption from illegal drug trading, Colombia maintains a relatively stable democratic society.
